How to Clean Shower Screens | Showerland Sydney

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How to clean your shower screen: A detailed guide

You may prefer to clean your shower at home. You can choose to do it yourself or adopt a more professional approach to keep your glass shower screen neat and new. We will guide you through the best ways to clean a shower screen naturally. However, we always recommend that you choose more advanced cleaning solutions to preserve the quality of your glass shower doors.


Cleaning your glass shower the natural way

Removing hard water stains with lemon juice

Hard water stains may seem difficult to remove. As a result, the process of cleaning your glass shower screen may seem tricky. However, we will provide you with simple steps that you can follow to clean your glass screen properly.

Step 1: Rinse the glass with water, then wipe the glass with a soft sponge.

Step 2: Get a tablespoon of lemon juice and pour it into a soft sponge.


Step 3: Wipe the solution all over the glass screen.

Step 4: Sit for a few minutes and wait for the lemon juice to work its magic.

Step 5: Rinse it off with warm water and then dry the glass with a paper towel.

You can also cut a lemon in half and then add a tablespoon of salt to its surface. Then, scrub the lemon over the glass screen before rinsing the solution away and drying the panels.

Shower screen cleaning with vinegar

Another natural way you can adopt is to clean your shower screen with vinegar. Follow these steps to get the best results:

Step 1: Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and then dilute it with water.

Step 2: After rinsing the glass screens with water, spray the vinegar solution all over the panels.

Step 3: Leave for a few minutes, then remove the stains with a soft brush.

Step 4: Rinse the glass with water and then use a paper towel to dry it.

You can also clean your shower screen with baking soda.

Some water stains are so thick that they require other natural shower screen cleaners to remove them. Baking soda will help you solve the problem of water stains.

Step 1: Mix your baking soda with water to create a thick paste.

Step 2: Apply the paste to your glass panels and the hardware fittings of your shower screen.

Step 3: Rinse the glass panels again with water and then dry them with a paper towel.

While you can usually find limescale in pipes and kettles, very stubborn limescale on shower screens is also a problem many Australians face. Moreover, when soap reacts with hard water stains accumulated on your glass shower screen, it will form soap scum, proving difficult to clean. If you neglect the regular cleaning of your shower screen, you will end up with irreversible damages, both to your glass panels and the wall and floor tiles.

Other cleaning products for your shower screen

Using WD40 to clean your shower screen

WD40 is usually used to polish stainless steel products. However, you can also adopt this cleaning product to remove water stains off of your shower screen. Please notice that WD40 breaks Silicone down, so you should be careful when applying it to the glass panels. We highly recommend that you clean your shower screens with WD40.


Dryer Sheets: A solution for soap scum on glass

Consider not throwing away your used dryer sheets. Place them instead in a jar and add to them some drops of water and vinegar. Dryer sheets are efficient in removing soap scum off of your glass shower screen. Moreover, dryer sheets also constitute good mirror and window cleaners.

Cleaning your shower screen with a fabric softener

Mixing the fabric softener you use for your laundry with warm water creates a good shower screen cleaner. Apply the solution to the glass panels and then rinse it off with warm water. You can then wipe the glass surface with dryer sheets.

The Dishwasher tablet

Cleaning your shower screen with a dishwasher tablet is also an easy process that you can opt for. Mix one tablespoon of dishwasher liquid, one teaspoon of liquid dish soap, half a cup of rubbing alcohol, and half a cup of hydrogen peroxide. Fill the solution into a spray bottle with water and mix it. This solution will serve as a good glass shower screen cleaner. After applying the cleaner to the glass panels, use a microfibre cloth to dry up the screen.

The Best Approach

Glass Coating

At Showerland, we offer you an advanced technique that will keep your shower screen looking brand new and make the cleaning process much easier for you. Water stains, soap scum, and dirt buildup on your shower screen because of the microscopic holes found on the glass panels. When you don’t have time to clean your screen regularly, those substances will stick to the glass panels and become stiff and more resistant to cleaning. When we perform the glass coating process, we will add a product that sticks on the shower screen and makes its surface smoother. As a result, water stains, soap scum, and limescale will no longer stick to the glass screen.

We recommend performing a glass coating treatment for your screen once every 3 to 5 years.


Call in the cleaning experts.

When you have calcium buildup and hard water stains that have been on your shower screen for a long time, no home solution will be enough to get them off of your glass panels. In that case, you should call cleaning service experts to do the necessary for your shower screen. Professional cleaning personnel at Showerland have years-long experience in cleaning shower screen bunnings along with various types of glass screens.

Experts at Showerland use biodegradable cleaning paste and other advanced cleaning tools to remove calcium deposits off of your shower glass panels.

Moreover, they take care of all hard water stains and stubborn limescale, making your shower screen look brand new again.

However, those results will only be achievable if you haven’t damaged your glass or scratched it previously when trying to clean it at home.

Properly cleaning your shower screen is no easy task. We have provided you with plenty of tips on cleaning your shower screen in natural ways at home and with other professional and advanced techniques. To make your life easier, we recommend you perform the glass coating procedure for your shower screen. And we advise you to hire professional cleaning services from time to time to make sure that your glass panels are taken care of properly.

People also ask

We recommend you hire cleaning experts to take care of your glass shower screen for the most optimal results.

While you can adopt several methods at home to clean your shower screen, nothing beats the advanced and professional methods for proper screen cleaning. Consider the glass coating treatment for your glass panels once every 3 to 5 years. Those steps will ensure that you get rid of calcium deposits and hard water stains on your glass shower screen, which you cannot remove with simple cleaning methods at home.

You can adopt several methods to clean your shower screen at home and try to render it spotless. Some of those approaches include using white vinegar, lemon juice with salt, baking soda, toothpaste, dishwasher tablets, or other cleaning products and kitchen materials found at home.

However, the best way to preserve the clean look of your shower screen and keep it spotless is to perform glass coating for its panels. This process will make it harder for soap scum and hard water stains to stick on the surface of your screen. Moreover, try to clean the glass panels after every shower you take.

Your glass shower screen can become cloudy because of soap scum buildup on the surfaces of its panels. To solve that problem, apply white vinegar mixed with water to your glass screen. You can also mix baking soda with water to create a thick paste and use it throughout the glass screen.

Another solution that will help clean a cloudy shower glass is to scrub half a lemon with salt over the panels. Moreover, using a fabric softener or a dishwashing tablet also helps with soap scum removal.

Limescale is the residue left from hard water, and it can grow with time if left untreated. To remove very stubborn limescale on shower screens:

  1. Spray full-strength white vinegar on the surface of the glass panels.
  2. Apply baking soda and scrub it together with the vinegar. This solution will lead to stains removal.
  3. In the end, wipe the solution with a microfibre cloth without rubbing forcefully to avoid scratching the glass screen.

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