Mirror Repair Solutions: Restoring Reflections with Expertise

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Types of Mirrors:

There are different types of mirrors, and the repair process may vary depending on your mirror type.

Framed Mirror:

These mirrors have a frame that covers the mirror's edges. The supplier can make the frame of wood, metal, or plastic.

Frameless Mirror:

These mirrors do not have a frame, and the edges are exposed. Modern Interior designers commonly use frameless mirrors in bathrooms.

Antique Mirror:

These mirrors have a decorative frame, and the supplier makes them look old.

Steps to Repair a Cracked or Broken Mirror:

Before starting the repair process, ensure you have the necessary tools and supplies. Here's what you'll need:

  1. Safety gloves
  2. Safety glasses
  3. Glass cutter
  4. Glass cleaner
  5. Cloth
  6. Epoxy glue/transparent sanitary silicon
  7. Masking tape
  8. Razor blade

Now, let's get started with the repair process:

Step 1:

Safety first. Wear safety gloves and glasses to protect your hands and eyes from glass shards.

Step 2:

Clean the mirror. Use a glass cleaner and cloth to clean the surface of the mirror. This process will help you see the crack or break more clearly.

Step 3:

Assess the damage. Determine how severe the crack or break is. If it's a small crack, you may be able to fix it with epoxy glue. If the damage shattered the mirror, you might need to replace it.

Step 4:

Apply masking tape. Use masking tape to cover the crack or break. This tape will prevent the damage from spreading while you work on it.

Step 5:

Cut the glass. Use a glass cutter to cut a piece of glass slightly larger than the damaged area.

Step 6:

Apply epoxy glue. Apply epoxy glue to the damaged area and place the cut piece of glass over it. Hold the glass in place until the glue sets.

Step 7:

Remove the masking tape. Once the glue has dried, carefully remove the masking tape.


Don't let a cracked or broken mirror ruin the look of your home. With these easy tips and tricks, you can repair a mirror at home. Remember to wear safety gloves and glasses to protect yourself from any glass shards, and assess the damage before repairing or replacing the mirror. While it may be cheaper to repair the mirror, sometimes it's better to invest in a new one if the damage is severe. By following these steps, you can have your mirror looking as good as new in no time!

People also ask

If the damage shattered the mirror, you might need to replace it. However, if it's a small crack, you may be able to fix it with epoxy glue.

No, using super glue to repair a mirror is not recommended. Epoxy glue is designed for glass repair and will provide a stronger bond. However, you can use transparent silicon too.

The cost of repairing a mirror will depend on the size and severity of the damage. It may be cheaper to replace the mirror instead of repairing it. The labour in Sydney is too high compared to the price of the mirror.

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